[Prev| Next| Index] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The joy of personal mass communication by Lars Berg (berg@update.uu.se) Communication made us what we are. Actually, there are good reasons for going so far as to define the human race by its communicative abilities and needs. And in the post-modern world, this peculiar character of ours has become the single most important factor for our survival as a species. It has changed from being an existentialist requirement to a prerequisite for our future existence! But, as before, it still means a lot of fun too. The web is the latest feature of our need to communicate. And as such, it is unprecedented with regard to impact and potential. With its help it has become possible to find people that we share interests with, no matter which part of the world they live in (at least in theory). And while doing so, we may stumble upon other people and ideas, that we would never have heard of hadn't it been for this medium - some of them weird, others wise, still others really unpleasant. In short, thanks to the web the human race has taken a giant step towards that utopian world-wide society some of us has dreamed of for so long. Intercontinental mass communication has reached the personal level, and I think that this may entail a new twist of the global development. It may help us to really understand each other's feelings and motives, something that global mass media hardly have achieved so far. I've not been a netizen for long, but already I'm addicted to this messy and fascinating society. I've spent hours and hours jumping around among peoples dreams and ideas, heard good jokes, read fascinating poems and articles. One reason why it's so addictive is probably that there's so much crap out there, which means that you're never quite satisfied. You just can't stop until you've seen what's behind the next peak; what does *this* link lead to? It teases my curiosity to the level where, sometimes, the only way to stop me is to remind me of the forthcoming phone bill, or to cook me an excellent meal. Is this just because it's all so new to me, or will it remain this way? I'm not sure what to hope for... Lars Berg